Bottom navigation
Last updated Sept 17, 2019

The Bottom Navigation is used to switch between the main sections of an app. It is placed at the bottom of the screen, and is effective in communicating the high-level organization within the app.


Visual design

We are using the default tab bar on iOS, and have set some constraints and style defaults on top of it. We are only detailing out the latter in this spec. Note that on iPad the icon and label are stacked horizontally instead of vertically.



We are leveraging the accessibility provided by the native iOS tab bar. Here is the expected behavior:

  • Selected item: Use the string "Selected. Tab Name. Tab. 1 of n"
  • Unselected item: "Tab Name. Tab. 1 of n"
  • If there is a special action on clicking a tab, use a Hint to explain this. Eg: scrolling to Today's viewon clicking the active Calendar tab—"Double tap to switch to Today."

Large text accessibility

Future updates

  • Provide truncation support for long labels. With the current iOS tab bar, long labels overlap with one another.